Co-Op Partners

Laura Secord's Cooperative Education program would not be possible without the support of our many partners in the community. Many of our local businesses and non-profit institutions continue to be dedicated to providing valuable learning opportunities to our students semester after semester, year after year. During the school year (and often after, in terms of part-time and summer employment) look for Laura Secord students as they work at some of the following local businesses and non-profits:

 ads-publishing  american eagle  bikefit-logo  cabinet-works-logo

canadian tire  carstar  community care  evolve mma

frosted cupcake Fourgrounds  future access    habitat logo  

ideal plumbing ina grafton gagemeridian       nac-nav-logo-header       

niagara childrens centre  nhs  pro oil change rona 

city of st. catharines logo     tabor manor  west 49  ymca