Jane Davies (Program Leader)

Todd Sniezek, SERT

Nicolle Thompson

About Special Education

Some students are identified as having complex learning needs that require particular accommodations for them to achieve success. If a student completes a formal assessment with results that indicate they meet one of the Ministry of Education’s definitions for exceptionality, they will go through an IPRC (Identification Review Placement Committee) meeting and be identified as an “exceptional student”. Other students may demonstrate learning concerns that are either not formally assessed or that an assessment yields results that do not meet one of the Ministry of Education’s definitions of an exceptionality. These students require accommodations but will be identified as “non-exceptional students.” Instructional, environmental and assessment accommodations will be summarized in an IEP (Individual Education Plan) to assist both groups of students in achieving success in school.  It is the responsibility of the Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) to assist IEP students in the following ways:

To develop an awareness of each student’s abilities and needs;

To assist teachers in implementing accommodations for students;

To be an advocate for students;

To be a school contact for parents;

To review each student yearly and if changes need to be made to their exceptionality, placement or program an IPRC meeting will be scheduled which parent/guardians/students are invited to attend or If the review indicates that no changes need to take place, then parents/guardians will be invited to dispense with an IPRC meeting for that year

To provide a safe, secure alternative learning environment for students to receive support with assignments, reading, writing, tests/exams, EQAO assessments;

To assist students with the transition to post-secondary education/work.


What Should I Do If My Child Is Experiencing Difficulties at School?

Begin with a phone call to the classroom teacher.  Teachers can assess your student’s progress and adjust their program accordingly.  You may also speak to the SERT to ensure the accommodations in your son/daughter’s IEP are appropriate and request additional assistance.  If more intensive support is necessary, your child will be presented to the In-School Team, and a plan of action will be implemented to provide the strategies required for them to succeed.